Thursday, December 11, 2014

Shawn's post...yes it is... ;)

I couldn't find the video in the Blogger list of YouTube videos that are available to be here's a link...

     The physical symbol from the 1973 film, The Glass Menagerie--based on the story written by Tennessee Williams--that I have chosen is the "Paradise Dance Hall". Personally it symbolizes the outside world in which none of the three main characters--Amanda, Tom, and Laura-- are in a way permitted to enter. They are all invisibly tethered to an enormous amount of responsibility, because of the deliberate disappearance of the father, they seem not to be entitled to a life outside the house, one of their own personal enjoyment.

by the way, Mrs. Robby, you can't insert pictures of any sort into a Blogger comment box and it show up as a photo. Blogger does not allow this type of commentary... unless you're some kind of internet and software genius and can hack your way into it...  

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