Monday, December 15, 2014


What is one part, scene, or element of the play that fascinates you?  It can be anything.  Explain why it is so interesting. Your answer should be more than 50 words.  Due Thursday by 11:59 P.M.  15 points!

Friday, December 12, 2014


Imagine for a moment, you had to develop a theme for The Glass Menagerie.  Which of William's social statements would you select to discuss?  Find a direct example or quote which would support your discussion.  Each answer should be 75 words.  Then, you should respond to another's post.  This is worth 100 points. Your work is due Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 11:59 P.M.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Shawn's post...yes it is... ;)

I couldn't find the video in the Blogger list of YouTube videos that are available to be here's a link...

     The physical symbol from the 1973 film, The Glass Menagerie--based on the story written by Tennessee Williams--that I have chosen is the "Paradise Dance Hall". Personally it symbolizes the outside world in which none of the three main characters--Amanda, Tom, and Laura-- are in a way permitted to enter. They are all invisibly tethered to an enormous amount of responsibility, because of the deliberate disappearance of the father, they seem not to be entitled to a life outside the house, one of their own personal enjoyment.

by the way, Mrs. Robby, you can't insert pictures of any sort into a Blogger comment box and it show up as a photo. Blogger does not allow this type of commentary... unless you're some kind of internet and software genius and can hack your way into it...  

This is my image for the fire escape being one of the symbolism in the "Glass Menagerie ". 
In the Glass Menagerie there are many forms of symbolism in this piece of Literature, but the one that stuck out the most to me was the unicorn. Jim had made a point that unicorns were extinct, and were different from all the other horses. The unicorn symbolizes  Laura because she is different from all others girls. Laura was not exposed to the way of the world unlike others. She kept herself inside replacing her loneliness with her glass Menagerie and her old record playing music.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Select an important physical object or place and discuss it as a symbol or part of a motif in the play.  Be sure and discuss the subject or theme it supports.  Your answer should be 75 words, and you must also respond to another post.  This post is worth 75 points, and it is due by Thursday, December 11 @ 11:59 P.M.