Sunday, December 7, 2014

Amanda is annoying and an overly controlling mother. It seems to me Laura's "issue" affects her more than Laura. Laura is independent in her own way and feels like she doesn't need a man or she would have one.  I don't think her limp is something to be so torn up about. Bad stuff happens to everyone and I don't think its as bad as its made up to be. Laura wants to go to town and if shes confident enough to face people in public she doesn't need someone to tell her how to live her life like her mother.


  1. I feel the same way for the most part. Amanda seems like she is a very loving and caring mother, she just is not very good at showing it. While she cares, she just does not have the ability to show her love and affection toward her children. When she tries to show it, it just comes off way too strong.

    1. Yes Cole, I'm picking up what you're putting down, Amanda needs to learn to be a little less crazy and a little more loving.
